
About Me

Jamison Glen Ellis Falls

My name is Jamison. I’m extremely passionate about the Church, creativity in the Church, and leadership in the Church. I don’t claim to be a thought leader on these subjects, nor will I ever. The purpose of Creative Church Leadership is to share my journey to becoming a better creative and a better leader to help the church make a bigger impact in our world. My hope in sharing my discoveries with you is to pass along some of the knowledge I’ve learned along the way.

The church is the hope of the world. It is the only hope the world has of meeting Jesus. My desire is to see people become the church Christ intended us to become. Together we can get past the many hurtles of the 21st century church and make the church relevant to this generation. I’d love to enjoy this journey with you. Please visit the site often and leave comments to add to the community.


Creative Church Leadership is a place…

  • to learn how to become a better leader in the church
  • for creative inspiration through art, video, music, and life
  • to learn something new
  • to collaborate with like minded people

My Story 

Jamison ImageI’m originally from Kansas City. I grew up in a small church, less than 100 people. I attended the same christian school from kindergarden through 12th grade. I remember so many long, boring church services and chapels that I had to attend growing up. I knew they were good for me, but I never really liked going. When I was 14 the worship leader from our church asked me to join the band to play drums. I jumped at the chance to play. It was then that I began to love going to church.

I played drums on that team for 7 years before I moved to Boston to go to Berklee College of Music. During my time on that team I played under 6 different worship leaders. Let’s just say I learned a whole lot of what works and what doesn’t work when leading worship and leading a team.

In 2002 I made my way up to Boston for music school. Since I can remember I’ve always loved music. I’ve been playing and performing music since I was 3 years old. I’ve played in several different bands throughout the years. I’ve played for solo artists, a latin jazz group, rock bands, cover bands, wedding bands, church bands, and gospel groups. Shortly after my arrival to Boston I plugged myself into a great church and have been serving on the worship team ever since.

In 2006 I was presented with the opportunity to become the volunteer music director for the worship team at my church. I was excited about the opportunity. But there was a problem. I’d never led anyone before. My pastor’s wife gave me a leadership book by John Maxwell. I consumed that book within a week (which is quick for me). After reading that book my eyes were opened to the possibilities of leading a team. I desired to learn everything I could about leadership. I’m still the music director at the church and I’ve learned a ton about leadership in the process.

Although I went to Berklee for performance my love is creating music that communicates emotion. I really enjoy putting different sounds together for the sole purpose of evoking a specific emotion and feeling from the listener. Through learning about producing music, especially for video, I’ve also discovered my love for communicating through different art forms. I may not be the greatest artist, but I know what bad art is and I know how to avoid it. In 2010 I joined my church’s newly formed creative team and I have been serving ever since.

And my greatest source of inspiration is my beautiful wife and two children.

My Contact Information

If you like what you see here you can email me or if you’d like up to date info follow me on Twitter.





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