What are you doing to make 2013 your best year EVER?

January 1, 2013 — Leave a comment

As I was reading some of my favorite blogs yesterday, most of the themes were regarding the New Year, being more productive and following through with resolutions. My wife and I were discussing all the things we accomplished in 2012 and realized that we actually felt like we made progress toward some of our goals.

I secretly got a little excited about this and decided that 2013 was going to be an even better year for us. My wife and I decided to read Michael Hyatt’s Life Plan ebook together and not only write our resolutions down but also our desired life plan. We’re currently in the process of defining our 2013 goals based on our life plan.

While wishing many of our friends a Happy New Year, a friend of mine (who helps me with Creative Church Leadership Blog) sent me this text.

“We are meant for greatness. Not the minimum. Not the average. Our purpose exceeds even our expectations. Personally and collectively.” – @andrewarbo

These words are so true. But to realize their truth, we need to believe they are true. We take action on only what we believe.

Here are some practical steps to making 2013 a productive year.

  • Write down what you desire in your life. Be detailed. Be specific.
  • Write down what you need to accomplish this year to make your life plan a reality.
  • Break down your life plan into specific goals for this year.
  • Then break those goals into monthy, weekly and daily goals that will lead you toward your desired outcome for this year.

For example here are some of my wife and I’s goals for this year. We broke them down into catagories.

  • Have daily devotions with our kids.
  • Pray together daily.
  • Weekly date nights.
  • Become better listeners/communicators.
  • Weekly family time/game night.
  • Take a family vacation out of state.
  • Yearly doctors, dentists, and eye exam check ups and follow ups.
  • Establish healthy eating habits.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Manage budget.
  • Build the Emergency Fund to $XXXXX.
  • Save money (outside of emergency fund).
  • Pay off school loan.
  • Save for our children future.
  • Save money for a house
  • Have proper sleeping habits.
  • Practice music regularly for personal growth.
  • Create something new everyday.
  • Read more books.
  • Increased business for music lessons.
  • Build up Creative Church Leadership Blog.
  • Record more music.

These are just a few of our goals for this year. We also took the time to make them more detailed and actionable. This is just our family goals for this year. I also set detailed goals for this blog, for the worship team I music direct, and other areas of responsiblity in my life.

You are meant for greatness. Make 2013 your best year yet.

How are you making your life plan a reality this year? What are some of your goals for 2013? 

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Jamison Jones
