In this show you’ll find…

  • My work background
  • An interview with Whitney George, the Creative Arts Pastor at Church on the Move in Tulsa, OK
  • Creating an atmosphere for your church services without spending money
  • Marketing for churches
  • Seeds Conference 2014 Continue Reading…
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In this show you’ll find…
Blaine Hogan’s journey of faith, the artist as the new pastor, creating great art within the church, his process for delivering great art on a consistent basis, and creating art that moves people. Continue Reading…
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In this episode you’ll find…

Stew Redwine’s key to getting started. Plus a few funny stories from our past. Continue Reading…

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In this episode you’ll find…

  • How to get the “big win” in your services.
  • The #1 Challenge we all face as creatives.
  • How everyone is creative.
  • Stephen’s resources for inspiration. Continue Reading…
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Evaluation vs. Critique

Continual evaluation leads to evolution when evaluation is acted upon.  Continue Reading…

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Whether you realize it or not, as church leaders, you are responsible for creating the atmosphere for your church. Creating an atmosphere is much like creating a church culture, but with a more focussed approach. Let me explain. Continue Reading…

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Night two of Seeds Conference began with more energy than the last as people mingled in the auditorium with anticipation. Continue Reading…

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I’m attending Seeds Conference hosted by Church on the Move in Tulsa, OK with my church. Seeds Conference is Church on the Move’s conference geared toward church ministry through the creative arts. I hope to describe my amazing experience here.
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Have you ever been to a church service where the person on stage may be welcoming the people or taking up the offering and they seemed like they were reciting a memorized line that they’ve been saying for the past 10 years? Continue Reading…

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As I was reading some of my favorite blogs yesterday, most of the themes were regarding the New Year, being more productive and following through with resolutions. My wife and I were discussing all the things we accomplished in 2012 and realized that we actually felt like we made progress toward some of our goals. Continue Reading…

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